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Thursday, June 14, 2001, updated at 14:07(GMT+8)

Laos Ready To Cooperate With Others in Drugs Suppression

The People's Democratic Republic of Laos was ready to cooperate with Thailand in suppressing narcotics and to sign an agreement on full economic cooperation between the two neighboring nations, the Thai News Agency(TNA) reported Thursday.

Thai Prime Minster Thaksin Shinawatra arrived in Laos Wednesday and met his counterpart Boonyoung Worajit for official discussion on many issues.

Thaksin said the Lao leader agreed to attend the quadruple meeting between China, Myanmar, Laos and Thailand to be hosted by Beijing at Kunming. The forum is aimed to brainstorm concrete measures to cope with the narcotics problem in the region.

The Lao government pledged to get rid of opium completely in the country by 2005 and agreed with the proposed joint border patrol in areas where the drug production and trafficking are suspected.

The Lao side voiced concern over the anti-government movement which is using the Thai territory as its base to campaign against Laos. But, Thaksin said he assured the Lao leader that Thailand would not allow anyone to use its territory to ignite unrest in neighboring countries.

The premier said the Lao government agreed to sign a pact on full economic cooperation involving tourism, trade and communication.

He added the demarcation of the two countries' common border was also brought up for discussion at the meeting. It was concluded that the demarcation of land boundaries should be completed by 2002 and that of water boundaries by 2003.

Thaksin and his delegation paid a courtesy call on Lao President Kamtai Sipandon in Wednesday's evening.

Government Spokesman Yongyudh Tiyapairat said the Lao president appreciated the official visit to his country and said he wanted to see the two neighboring countries leave past misunderstanding and mistrust behind and resume good friendship and relationship.

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The People's Democratic Republic of Laos was ready to cooperate with Thailand in suppressing narcotics and to sign an agreement on full economic cooperation between the two neighboring nations, the Thai News Agency(TNA) reported Thursday.

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