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Saturday, January 20, 2001, updated at 08:24(GMT+8)

Guangzhou Issues "Friendship Award" to Outstanding Foreigners

The municipal government of Guangzhou has conferred the title of "Friendship Award" to 12 foreigners who have made great contributions to local economic and social development.

The awards were given at a Spring Festival reception held Thursday for officials of consulates general in Guangzhou, entrepreneurs of foreign-funded enterprises, foreign students and experts from Hong Kong and Macao.

Those who received the awards included Anne Reusch, an American professor at Guangzhou University, Koji Kadowaki, a Japanese who serves as the general manager of the Guangzhou-Honda Automobile Co., Ltd., Reinhard Tammen, a German from Siemens Co. and Yau Nam Chen, a Canadian holding the post of general manager of the Huiping Co. Ltd.

Guangzhou, one of China's leading economic centers, has selected outstanding foreigners for the "Friendship Award" since 1996.

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The municipal government of Guangzhou has conferred the title of "Friendship Award" to 12 foreigners who have made great contributions to local economic and social development.

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