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Tuesday, January 16, 2001, updated at 15:48(GMT+8)

"Corruption" Appears in Primary School

Corrupt behaviour appears to be trickling down into China's primary schools, according to China Radio International.

That's the warning from one mother in Chengdu city in southwest China, in today's China Youth Daily.

The mother says her 11-year-old daughter, who has just been named as a team leader in class, was invited to a dinner, paid for by the ten students in her team.

And the woman believes that's because her daughter is in charge of checking class attendance and collecting homework - big powers in the classroom.

The girl is expecting even more gifts and dinners from her team before Spring Festival.

One of the students in the class says some of her fellow pupils compete for the positions of class monitor or team leader£¬ because they want to be showered with presents by their classmates.

Education experts say the deep-rooted concept of "leader" among some adults appears in these children - and that needs public awareness.

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Corrupt behaviour appears to be trickling down into China's primary schools, according to China Radio International.

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