Shanghai Reaps 114.16 Billion Yuan in Financial Revenue
Latest statistics show that Shanghai reaped 114.16 billion yuan in financial revenue last year, up 24.6 percent from 1999.
Revenue of added value tax and consumption tax reached 44.99 billion yuan, 12.4 percent more than that of 1999.
During the past five years, the city's financial revenue has accounted for 37.2 percent of its total GDP. And the financial revenue at the central level accounted for 71.1 percent of city's total financial income.
From 1996 to 2000, tax revenue from foreign-funded enterprises increased at an annual rate of 28 percent, while that from corporate enterprises and private enterprises jumped annually at 49.6 percent and 62.7 percent respectively.
Personal income tax revenue increased by 35.3 percent per year and revenue of tax on securities market trading grew 69.3 percent in the past five years.