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Friday, October 13, 2000, updated at 11:20(GMT+8)

China to Hold Third World Fisheries Congress

The Third World Fisheries Congress will be held on October 31-November 3 in Beijing, said Vice Minister of Agriculture Qi Jingfa at a press conference Thursday.

So far 398 people from 48 countries and regions have applied to attend the congress, including 12 people from Hong Kong and Taiwan.

The congress has received 471 research papers from 39 countries and regions, including China, the United States, Japan and Russia.

The World Fisheries Congress is sponsored by the aquatic societies in Asia and America and other international fisheries groups. It opens every four years. The first was held in Athens, Greece, in 1992.

China hopes to expand exchanges and cooperation with the rest of the world in fisheries research and development through this congress, said the vice minister.

The output of China's fisheries industry has ranked first in the world for ten years, one third of the world's total output. The country is also the largest breeder of aquatics in the world, with more than half of its aquatic products from breeding.

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The Third World Fisheries Congress will be held on October 31-November 3 in Beijing, said Vice Minister of Agriculture Qi Jingfa at a press conference Thursday.

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