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Sunday, October 08, 2000, updated at 14:28(GMT+8)

UN Concerned with Tensions in Israel-Lebanon Border Areas

The UN Security Council voiced grave concern on Saturday with the escalating tensions and violent clashes occurred in the border areas between Israel and Lebanon over the weekend.

In a presidential statement, the Security Council asked all conflicting parties to exercise their utmost restraint.

The council also welcomed the decision by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan to dispatch his special envoy to the region in order to send the message directly to the leaders of all the states concerned. Annan's special envoy is expected to ask the leaders to take immediate steps for the restoration of calm.

The council heard a briefing by Annan who was "alarmed" by the fact that the violence between Israelis and Palestinians in the occupied territories has spread to the border areas between Israel and Lebanon.

Three Israeli soldiers were kidnapped Saturday by Lebanon's Hezbollah guerrilla group, which has made the Israeli-Palestinian conflict even more complicated and caused more reprisals threatened by Israel.

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The UN Security Council voiced grave concern on Saturday with the escalating tensions and violent clashes occurred in the border areas between Israel and Lebanon over the weekend.

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