Saturday, September 16, 2000, updated at 17:41(GMT+8)
Suharto Son Denies Links to Indonesia Bombings
The youngest son of former Indonesian President Suharto on Saturday denied any involvement in a spate of recent bombings which have unsettled the country, police said.
"He denies any involvement in the bombings," Harry Montolalu, Jakarta chief of detectives, told reporters after Hutomo (Tommy) Mandala Putra answered questions at police headquarters for more than two hours.
President Abdurrahman Wahid said on Friday he had ordered police to arrest the younger Suharto over a bomb probe, but police have said they did not yet have any evidence.
Wahid's order followed a massive bomb blast at the Jakarta stock exchange on Wednesday that killed 15 people.
Suharto left police headquarters after the questioning. He said he had appeared at his own initiative.
The youngest son of former Indonesian President Suharto on Saturday denied any involvement in a spate of recent bombings which have unsettled the country, police said.