More than 40 scout leaders took part in a drug education course at the Hong Kong Jockey Club Drug InfoCentre Tuesday.
Jointly organized by the Narcotics Division and the Scout Association of Hong Kong to develop trainers among scouts in spreading the anti-drug message, the five-day drug training program is designed for scout leaders.
The program includes anti-drug talks, visit to a drug treatment and rehabilitation agency, the Food, Environment and Hygiene Department's health education exhibition and information center and the Scout Center.
At today's program, Acting Senior Executive Officer Wilson Mok gave a talk on Hong Kong and global drug abuse trend, the Narcotics Division's work on drug preventive education and publicity and services provided by drug treatment and rehabilitation agencies for drug dependent persons.
The course was one of the activities held in the Hong Kong Jockey Club Drug InfoCentre since its opening on June 26 this year. The aim of setting up the center is to create a critical mass of resources to strengthen drug preventive education, according to the senior officer.