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Monday, July 10, 2000, updated at 16:25(GMT+8)

First University Modern Communication Experiment Net Launched

A modern communication teaching and research experiment net, jointly built by Northern Jiaotong University and Shenzhen Zhongxing Telecom Corp., has been launched lately. This will provide an advanced experiment environment for the cultivation of communication personnel, research and development of information industry technology.

It is reported that the modern communication experiment net includes wireless switching platform, brain network platform, broadband switching platform, transferring system, GSM network, ATM, intelligence network and fiber-optical access network.

Provided with the functions of communication net, computer net, broadcasting and TV net, the net can be used for long-distance monitor, office automation, also can meet experiment operational environment of newest telecom projects, providing a good base for system emulation, performance assessment, and application software system development.

In This Section

A modern communication teaching and research experiment net, jointly built by Northern Jiaotong University and Shenzhen Zhongxing Telecom Corp., has been launched lately. This will provide an advanced experiment environment for the cultivation of communication personnel, research and development of information industry technology.

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