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Sunday, July 09, 2000, updated at 02:35(GMT+8)

Nation Calls for Efficient Use of Land

China will upgrade land and resource-related technologies to attain international standards by 2015, a senior land official said Friday in Beijing.

At the top of the agenda are facilitating the development of China's western regions, preventing geographic disasters and enhancing the sustainable utilization of land and resources.

Chinese Land and Resources Minister Tian Fengshan made these remarks yesterday.

According to the programme, the ministry will use technology to look for more water in West China, which is vital to the area's future development.

High-tech methods will also be used to address the problem of desertification.

More efficient mining is also an important part of the programme. China's mining industry is 10-20 per cent less efficient than equivalent industries abroad.

Tian promised to provide adequate funds for the project, although he did not say how much will be spent.

He added that international investment would also be welcomed.

China desperately needs to improve its land and resource-related technology. The country feeds 22 per cent of the world's population with only 7 per cent of the world's cultivated land.

Ninety-five per cent of the non-renewable energy sources such as coal and oil consumed in China are from its own land, 80 per cent of industrial raw materials and 70 per cent of agricultural raw materials are produced from its own resources.

If these resources can be used effectively then China will be able to advance at an incredible rate, said Tian.

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China will upgrade land and resource-related technologies to attain international standards by 2015, a senior land official said Friday in Beijing.

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