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Wednesday, July 05, 2000, updated at 22:14(GMT+8)

China to Host International Exhibition on Housing

The 2000 China International Exhibition on Housing, sponsored by China's Ministry of Construction, is scheduled to be held between July 12-16 in Beijing.

Some 300 real estate enterprises and household product producers from Canada, the United States, Denmark, Austria, China and other countries and regions are expected to display their latest technologies and goods at the show.

The exhibition will be divided into six parts, displaying the evolution of comfortable housing in China, real estate firms, new technologies and products from abroad, China's quality household products and housing development in various Chinese cities.

According to Nie Meisheng, director of the Housing Industrialization Promotion Center under the Ministry of Construction, China is in the midst of a massive housing construction drive, building more than 400 million square meters of floor space annually with investment exceeding 400 billion yuan (about 48 billion US dollars).

Massive housing construction and increasing sales have spurred China's economic development, and have become a major focus of consumer spending, the official said.

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The 2000 China International Exhibition on Housing, sponsored by China's Ministry of Construction, is scheduled to be held between July 12-16 in Beijing.

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