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Wednesday, July 05, 2000, updated at 09:10(GMT+8)

Sino-Russian Border Trade Up

More goods have flowed through the Suifenhe Customs in northeastern province of Heilongjiang, one of the most important land ports linking China and Russia.

In January-May, the volume of imports and exports reached 1.15 million tons, up 44.2 percent over the same period of last year. More than 248,000 people went through the port in the same period of time, up 39.6 percent from last year.

The total border trade volume hit US$ 300 million in the first five months of this year in Suifenhe, an increase of 50 percent compared with the same period of last year.

China has imported more log, cement and potassium chloride which account for 92.6 percent of the imports from Russia, while exporting more television sets, refrigerators and other household electric appliances as well as food products among the more than 100 products going to Russia.

About 60 percent of Sino-Russian trade deals are done in Heilongjiang province.

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More goods have flowed through the Suifenhe Customs in northeastern province of Heilongjiang, one of the most important land ports linking China and Russia.

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