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Monday, June 19, 2000, updated at 17:24(GMT+8)

CSCO opens New Far East-US Shipping Route

The Shanghai-based China Shipping Corporation(CSCO) has recently opened a new far east-US shipping route.

According to the "China Shipping Weekly", CSCO uses five 2,500-TEU container ships on the weekly shipping route docking at ports in Shanghai, Los Angeles, via a port in Japan.

CSCO, one of the country's three shipping giants, also opened three container transport routes between Ningbo, a port in east China's Zhejiang province and Japan.

Four vessels handling over 1,000-TEU have shipping routes in Osaka, Kobe, Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya, Moji and Hakata.

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The Shanghai-based China Shipping Corporation(CSCO) has recently opened a new far east-US shipping route.

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