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Saturday, June 10, 2000, updated at 11:13(GMT+8)

Literary Books Preferred by Readers: Survey

Literary books still remain most preferred by Chinese readers, according to China's first national survey on readers and their buy inclination.

The survey, conducted by the China Publication Science Institute and Zhejiang Press and Publication Bureau, shows that Lu Xun, Jin Yong, Qiong Yao, Ba Jin, Bing Xin, Lao She, Jia Pingwa, Gu Long, San Mao and Wang Shuo are listed as the ten top writers favored by Chinese readers.

Among all the ten well-known writers for literary works, Jin Yong, Qiong Yao, Gu Long and San Mao are from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Taiwan.

Jin's martial arts novels and Qiong's romantic stories were popular in the 1980's and 1990's.

About 14.2 percent of those surveyed said they mostly preferred reading novels while only 1.2 percent preferred books on natural sciences. Others suggested that more science fiction, prose and book on reportage be available in book stores and elsewhere.

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Literary books still remain most preferred by Chinese readers, according to China's first national survey on readers and their buy inclination.

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