The third annual session of the Seventh Tibet Autonomous Regional People's Congress opened in the regional capital of Lhasa Monday.
Legqog, chairman of the Tibet Autonomous Regional People's Government, addressed the congress on the government's work.
Legqog said the year 1999 was fruitful for the Tibet people. The economy developed steadily in a stable social environment and people's living standard saw an obvious improvement.
The chairman said he attaches importance to this year's work. He called for an 11.7 billion-yuan (1.4 billion US dollars) regional GDP in 2000, about 10 percent higher than the previous year. He expected the annual per capita income among peasants and herdsmen to reach 1,360 yuan (164 US dollars) and those under average living standard to be helped out of poverty this year.
Legqog noted that the central government's decision to develop the western areas offers a great opportunity for Tibet. He stressed that the region should develop its infrastructure to introduce more investment.