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Thursday, May 11, 2000, updated at 09:32(GMT+8)

EC Rules on Vitamin, Mineral Products

The European Commission on Wednesday ruled as dietary supplements the sale of vitamins and minerals to guarantee the health of consumers.

The commission, the executive body of the 15-nation European Union, intended to set out a general framework and safety rules for the sales of vitamins and minerals in the union.

"We must be clear that a varied diet remains the best solution for a healthy development and life," said David Byrne, EU commissioner for health and consumer protection.

"These food supplements mainly serve to compensate for inadequate intake of essential nutrients by certain people or specific population groups," added the commissioner. The commission urged that labels on vitamins and minerals have to give consumers adequate and clear information about how to use and how not to use them.

Claims that vitamin and mineral products can prevent, treat or cure illnesses are prohibited. Any language suggesting that a varied diet does not provide the necessary amounts of essential nutrients is equally prohibited.

The commission also rules that vitamin and mineral pills sold in packaging that resembles that of pharmaceutical products must carry the statement "This is not a medicinal product".

A warning should also be included on the labeling about possible health risk in case of excessive use. So will be included the statement that the vitamin and mineral pills should not be used as a substitute for a varied diet.

In This Section

The European Commission on Wednesday ruled as dietary supplements the sale of vitamins and minerals to guarantee the health of consumers.

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