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Changchun to Hold Fifth Film Festival

The Fifth Changchun Film Festival, one of China's three biggest, will be held in this capital city of northeast China's Jilin Province on August 23-26.

The state-level festival, to be held every other year, is jointly sponsored by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, Jilin Province and the Changchun municipal government.

This year's event will focus on the audience's participation and promotion of exchanges between film and television industries, according to an official of the festival's organization committee.

The festival is collecting films from 35 film studios nationwide as well as film companies in 21 countries and regions worldwide. To date, the festival organizing committee has received 13 film applications from seven domestic film studios and a Taiwan- based film company.

The festival will award 10 prizes for films, actors, directors and filmmakers. At the same time, there will be a prize this year for the best foreign language film.

Changchun is called the "Film City" of China, because the country's first film studio is here.

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The Fifth Changchun Film Festival, one of China's three biggest, will be held in this capital city of northeast China's Jilin Province on August 23-26.

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