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50 Master Photographers To Focus on Beijing

Beijing has invited 50 world famous foreign photographers to visit and photograph the city, the Beijing Morning Post reported. According to the newspaper, 45 photographers from 24 countries including the U.S., Canada, Japan, Holland, and Australia have accept the invitation.

The theme of the event, sponsored by the Information Office and the Foreign Affairs Office of the Beijing municipal government, the Press and Publicity Department of Beijing 2008 Olympic Bid Committee, and the China Association of Art Photograph, is "the city, history, and people of Beijing."

The photos of the city taken by the photographers will be exhibited and published, the newspaper said.

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Beijing has invited 50 world famous foreign photographers to visit and photograph the city, the Beijing Morning Post reported. According to the newspaper, 45 photographers from 24 countries including the U.S., Canada, Japan, Holland, and Australia have accept the invitation.

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