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Monday, December 27, 1999, updated at 13:23(GMT+8)
China Falun Gong Sentences Based on Facts and Law

The trial and sentencing of four key members of the banned Falun Gong cult were based on fact and handled according to law, the presiding judge at their trial said in Beijing on December 26.

Li Chang, Wang Zhiwen, Ji Liewu and Yao Jie were sentenced on December 26 to prison terms ranging from 7-18 years by the Beijing No.1 Intermediate People's Court on charges of organizing and using the cult to obstruct justice, causing human deaths in the process of organizing the cult, and illegally obtaining state secrets.

Judge Ma Zirong told Xinhua that both the prosecutors and the attorneys for the accused presented evidence at court today.

"It was fully demonstrated that the evidence of their crimes was clear, solid and sufficient," he said.

China's Criminal Law stipulates that anyone who organizes a cult organization to obstruct justice, heads cult organization activities which result in human deaths, or illegally obtains state secrets should be sentenced to no less than three years and seven years in prison on each charge.

The court sentences were in line with the facts, the nature of the crimes and the harm they have done to society, the presiding judge said.

During the trial, Li Chang confessed to his involvement in the criminal activities, exposed the criminal activities of the Falun Gong cult and its founder Li Hongzhi and admitted that the demonstrations outside government departments and institutions were against the law.

Defendant Yao Jie also gave a confession of her participation and expressed repentance.

"In view of their show of repentance, the court decided to be lenient in their sentences," the presiding judge said.

Ma noted that in the hearings and the trial, the court followed the letter of the law.

For instance, the court sent to the defendants copies of indictments from the procuratorial departments, and the defendants were notified of their legal rights.

Three of the defendants hired lawyers, and the court appointed a lawyer for the fourth defendant who agreed to the court's arrangement, Ma said.

Before today's trial, the lawyers met with their clients on several occasions. At the trial, the defendants and their lawyers challenged the accusations.

Relatives of the defendants, reporters from several media organizations, and individuals from all walks of life were present at today's trial.

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