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Sunday, December 19, 1999, updated at 10:59(GMT+8)
World Success of Macao Handover to Enhance Portugal-China Ties: Sampaio

Portuguese President Jorge Sampaio said in Macao Saturday night that the success of the transition of Macao has enhanced the relations between Portugal and China and will guide the future development of such relations.

Sampaio, who is in Macao for the handover ceremony, attributed the success to the joint effort of the leaders of both countries on the basis of mutual respect.

The president made the remark at a ceremony to award Grand Cross Medal of the Order of Merit to 29 outgoing government officials, and people from the social, cultural and educational circles of Macao.

Sampaio described the time of handover as a "historic" moment that is "hard to describe in words." However he said he has full confidence in Macao's future.

The president noted that Portugal has made effort to adjust the social, legal and administrative systems of Macao and has maintained a harmonious relationship with Chinese authorities on different levels since the signing of the China-Portugal Joint Declaration in 1987.

Portugal has strictly implemented all bilateral agreements, turning the complicated transitional period into a proof of mature relationship between the two countries, he said.

Sampaio said Portugal, as a member of the European Union, and China are both playing increasingly important roles in international society. He added that the experience the two countries have drawn from the past will serve as important guidelines for the development of bilateral relations in the future. (Xinhua)

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