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Sunday, December 19, 1999, updated at 17:31(GMT+8)
World Macao's Return Victory of China's Diplomacy: Nepali FM

Nepali Foreign Minister Ram Sharan Mahat said that Macao's return to China marks the victory of China's diplomacy and its efforts for the reunification of the country.

Speaking at a film reception to mark China's resumption of exercise of sovereignty over Macao, Mahat said Nepal has always believed in the "One China" policy and supported the reunification of China.

Mahat said "the return of Macao to China is a historical occasion," and proves that the "One Country, Two Systems" policy put forward by late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping is wise and correct.

The minister also conveyed congratulations for Macao's return to China on behalf of the Nepalese government and wished prosperity to people of Macao and China.

Also on the occasion, Chinese Ambassador to Nepal Zeng Xuyong said the return of Macao to China is "another milestone on the way to China's complete reunification."

"We are convinced that following the successful return of Hong Kong and Macao, the Taiwan Question is sure to be resolved satisfactorily,"said the Chinese ambassador.

Zeng also expressed confidence that after the return to China and under the guidance of the "One Country, Two Systems"principle, Macao will become more prosperous and have a better future.

A documentary film about the history and development of Macao was screened on the reception, which was organized by Arniko Society,a non-governmental organization committed to promoting the friendship between Nepal and China. (Xinhua)

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