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Sunday, December 19, 1999, updated at 19:34(GMT+8)
China China Holds Farewell Rally for PLA Macao Troops

China held a grand rally in Zhuhai this morning to see off the People's Liberation Army (PLA) troops to be stationed in the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR).

General Zhang Wannian, vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), expressed his regards to the officers and men of the troops on behalf of Chinese President Jiang Zemin.

Li Changchun, the Party secretary of Guangdong Province and a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, was present at the event.

The whole city was in a festive mood today, with flags flying and drums and gongs thundering at the rally site at the barracks of the PLA Macao troops.

As the soldiers entered, they were greeted with songs and dances performed by local pupils and artistic troops.

The rally started at 10:00 a.m. with the playing of the national anthem.

Accompanied by General Tao Bojun, commander of the PLA Guangzhou Military Area Command, General Zhang Wannian reviewed an honor guard of honor of the Macao troops.

General Fu Quanyou, a CMC member and chief of the PLA General Staff, read aloud the order by Jiang Zemin, chairman of the CMC, on the troops' stationing in Macao.

Speaking to the crowd, General Zhang said Macao's return to China opened a brand new chapter in the history of Macao.

He expressed the belief that the "one country, two systems" principle would be able to guarantee the long-term stability and development of Macao.

Similarly, he said, the principle would lead to the solution of the Taiwan issue and the eventual reunification of the whole of China.

He noted that the PLA's existence in Macao is both a symbol of the Chinese government's resuming the exercise of sovereignty over Macao and an important guarantee of state sovereignty and safety, as well as the long-term stability and development of Macao.

He charged the PLA Macao troops to fully understand and carry out the "one country, two systems" principle advocated by late leader Deng Xiaoping.

The troops should strictly implement the policies and decisions of the Party on the Macao issue and abide by the laws of the Macao SAR, the general said.

According to Zhang, the PLA Macao troops should upgrade their military training, especially their capability in complicated situations, so that the world will respect the PLA because of its

achievements in Macao.

General Zhang expressed his belief that the PLA Macao troops would carry on the fine tradition of the PLA and live up to the expectations of the Party and nation as they do their duty in Macao.

General Tao Bojun in his speech thanked the whole nation, especially to the Party committees, governments and people in the Guangdong Province and Zhuhai City for their support of the PLA

Macao troops.

Guangdong Governor Lu Ruihua and Zhuhai Mayor Huang Longyun said in separate speeches that local governments and people will go all out as they always have to provide solid backing to the

troops, and make contributions to the long-term prosperity and stability of Macao.

Major General He Xianshu, political commissar of the PLA Macao troops, said on behalf of all the officers and men that they will do their jobs conscientiously, always be loyal to the motherland, safeguard the sovereignty and dignity of the motherland and maintain the safety and long-term stability and development of Macao.

The soldiers received bouquets of fresh flowers from more than 100 children.

Lieutenant General Liu Shutian, political commissar of the Guangzhou Military Area Command, presided over today's farewell rally. (Xinhua)

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