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Sunday, December 19, 1999, updated at 10:43(GMT+8)
China Beijing Gala to Mark Macao's Return

Some 30,000 people from all circles of Beijing will attend a grand gala at Tiananmen Square tonight to celebrate the return of Macao to China, an historic moment which becomes official at the stroke of midnight.

The square will be divided into six areas for various festive activities. At the center of the events is the countdown board for Macao's return set up on May 5, 1998.

Amid colorful fireworks, Chinese singers will perform, and traditional dragon and lion dances will be staged.

Also attending the evening party of "Beijing People Celebrating the Return of Macao to the Motherland" will be Jia Qinglin, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and secretary of the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee, and Beijing Mayor Liu Qi.

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