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Saturday, December 18, 1999, updated at 11:24(GMT+8)
China Preparatory Body of Macao SAR Fulfills Tasks: Qian

The preparatory body for the establishment of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) has fulfilled its tasks since it became operational on May 5th last year, according to a Qian Qichen in Beijing on December 17.

He said the committee has completed such tasks as forming an election committee responsible for founding the first Macao SAR government, the election of the first chief executive of the SAR, the establishment of major government organs and the institution of principal officials, the preparation for forming the first legislative council and judicial departments, and issues related to the nationality of Macao residents.

The committee, composed of 60 Macao residents and 40 people from China's interior areas, has convened 11 plenary meetings and 51 group meetings since it was approved by the second session of the 9th NPC Standing Committee on April 29, 1998.

Qian, who is also vice-premier, said the committee's work was carried out smoothly in accordance with the principle of "one country, two systems," as well as the Basic Law of the Macao SAR and some provisions of the NPC and its Standing Committee. (Xinhua)

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