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Tuesday, November 09, 1999, updated at 09:26(GMT+8)
Culture China's Phenomenal History Goes Online

The first Hong Kong-based multimedia, multilingual, interactive website devoted to Chinese history and culture went online on November 8.

With an overall investment budget of 100 million HK dollars (12. 8 million US dollars), CHINA10K.COM is a pioneer of the new generation of worldwide information service and entertainment websites that are set to transform the process of knowledge acquisition.

The website aims to deliver a wealth of historical wisdom by using lively and interesting presentation to bring the past to life, said Dennis Chan, chief operating officer of the website.

"We will exploit the power of the Internet to capture the 10, 000 years of Chinese history and educate Chinese teenagers about the development and culture of their history," Chan said.

The website contains millions of words and thousands of hours of videos plus a diversity of multimedia and interactive contents, Chan said.

In the first stage of development, the website has invested nearly 50 million HK dollars (6.4 million US dollars) to build the information and technology infrastructure, including installation of advanced hardware and software, and for collection, verification and compilation of the huge amount of information, Chan said.

Initially, the website supports three languages including Chinese, Cantonese and English video voice-over, but versions of the site in Japanese, French and other languages will be added within the coming 12 months.

Apart from frequent updates and additional content on the main website, it plans to create a number of further services in such areas as travel, entertainment and antiques, Chan said.

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