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Wednesday, November 03, 1999, updated at 09:05(GMT+8)
Business Chinese Premier Meets With ADB President

Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji met in Beijing on November 2 afternoon with Chino Tadao, president of the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

Zhu said that China and the ADB enjoy a good relationship of cooperation, and the bank has played a positive role in China's infrastructure construction, water conservation projects, talent training, and other areas.

The premier expressed the hope that cooperation between China and the ADB will be enhanced to a new level.

Chino Tadao, who is on his first visit to China since taking office as ADB president, said China has achieved remarkable progress in economic development and poverty elimination since the country adopted the reform and opening up policy. Many countries can learn from China's experience, he added.

China has also played a major role in checking the spread of the Asian financial crisis, Chino Tadao noted, adding that the ADB will strengthen its cooperation with China by contributing to economic development and environmental protection in the central and western regions of China, while maintaining its collaboration with its coastal areas.

The ADB president and his party are visiting China as guests of China's Finance Ministry.

Among those present on the occasion was Xiang Huaicheng, Chinese minister of finance. (Xinhua)

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