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Wednesday, November 03, 1999, updated at 09:05(GMT+8)
Business Swedish Trade Minister Optimistic about Future of Trade with China

"Swedish businessmen are quite optimistic about China's economic developments, and we strongly support China's accession into the WTO (World Trade Organization), " said Leif Pagrotsky, Swedish trade minister.

Pagrotsky said that the relationship between the two countries has been going on smoothly since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1950.

He added that Sweden's industrial and trade firms show positive attitudes towards China's future, and over 40 enterprises including Ericsson, ABB. Volvo and Ikea have invested a total of 880 million US dollars in over 100 projects in the fields of telecommunications, automobiles, household electric appliances, agriculture, ecological protection, insurance, retail trade and pharmaceuticals.

Also, the two sides have kept close business and trade contacts by mutual visits every year.

His present trip to China with over 20 delegates from the information industry is an intensification of the cooperation in this field, he said.

He emphasized that the Swedish government strongly supports China's entry into the WTO, which will not only benefit China, but also the world at large.

Data from the Swedish Central Statistics Bureau show that the trade value between the two nations in 1960 was 99.3 million krona, while the figure in 1998 was 23.1 billion. And this year, it has reached 11.77 billion, up 24.1 percent from the same period last year. (Xinhua)

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