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Wednesday, November 03, 1999, updated at 09:05(GMT+8)
Business Largest Wholesale Market Opened in Shenyang

The first phase of the Hunhe Commodity Market, China's largest wholesale market, has been completed in Shenyang recently, capital of northeast China's Liaoning Province.

Currently, the market, with a total investment of 2.3 billion yuan, has 19,000 booths in five trading halls, and covers an area of 500,000 square meters. It opened for business last Saturday.

When the market is complete, its business area will reach over 1.5 million square meters, said a local economic official.

The market will be a major trading center in northeast China, he said, adding that a commodity fair is being hosted at the market featuring clothing, household electronic appliances, food as well as machine tools, mining machinery, chemical products and automotive items.

More than 100,000 business people have attended the fair, the official said.

To attract more traders to the market, the province will open over 100 transportation routes linking the market to other provinces nationwide, he added.

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