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Saturday, October 23, 1999, updated at 14:35
World China Joins Russian Efforts to Uphold ABM Treaty

  China announced October 21 that it decided to join Russia as a co-sponsor of a draft resolution for the preservation of and compliance with the Anti-Ballistic (ABM) Treaty, which remains a cornerstone for the maintenance of global strategic balance and stability in the world today.

  The announcement came as Chinese representative Hu Xiaodi, who attended the plenary meeting of the First Committee of the 54th General Assembly, took the floor after Russia presented the draft resolution before the committee, which is in charge of disarmament and international security.

  "Although the treaty is bilateral in nature, its important role in maintaining global strategic stability, pushing forward nuclear disarmament and promoting international security has been universally recognized," Hu said.

  "The ABM Treaty is, however, now confronted with grave challenges flowing from some recent negative developments in the international situation," he said.

  "In seeking its own absolute security and strategic advantage, a state party to the Treaty is now not only vigorously pursuing its own NMD(national missile defense) program, but also pressing rapidly ahead with its joint TMD (theatre missile defense) development programs with some other individual countries," he said.

  "Such moves not only fly in the face of the purposes and principles of the Treaty, but are also very much at odds with the core provision of the Treaty," he said.

  "It is thus clear that the real motive behind the repeated requests of the above-mentioned state party to amend the Treaty is to remove the legal barriers to legitimize its development and deployment of NMD system," he said.

  "It is certain that once an amendment is made to the Treaty, there will be many more to come as a result of the so-called changes in situation," he said. "And, ultimately, the Treaty will be virtually rendered ineffective and become mere pieces of paper."

  "This should naturally arouse the vigilance and gave concern of the international community," he said.

  China and Belarus joined Russia in co-sponsoring the draft resolution in a bid to uphold the ABM Treaty, push forward nuclear disarmament process and promote international peace and security. (Xinhua)

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