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Saturday, October 23, 1999, updated at 14:35
World Jiang Zemin Arrives in France on State Visit

  Chinese President Jiang Zemin arrived at the Lyon-Satolas international airport October 22 afternoon for a five-day state visit at the invitation of French President Jacques Chirac.

  This is the first visit by Jiang to France since 1994 and a return visit to that made by Chirac to Beijing in May 1997.

  Jiang is accompanied by his wife, Wang Yeping, Vice Prime Minister Qian Qichen, and Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan.

  The Chinese president will meet with the mayor of Lyon Raymond Barre October 22 evening and pay a visit to a museum of silk history in the city on October 23.

  Jiang and Wang will then visit the private property of President Chirac and French first lady Bernadette Chirac, the Chateau de Bity, near Chirac's hometown Brive in the department of Correze, southcentral France, on October 23.

  Jiang will arrive in Paris on Sunday and hold talks with Chirac on Monday.

  The two presidents will give a joint press conference on Monday.

  The Chinese president will also meet with French Prime Minister Lionel Jospin, National Assembly president Laurent Fabius and Senate president Christian Poncelet.

  He will end his visit on Tuesday and go ahead with his six-nation tour including Britain, France, Portugal, Morocco, Algeria and Saudi Arabia. (Xinhua)

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