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Thursday, October 21, 1999, updated at 14:18
China China Calls for Adequate UN Attention to International Terrorism

 China Tuesday called upon the relevant UN bodies, including the Security Council, to give adequate attention to the international terrorism, which is posing "menancing threats to international peace and security."

 The statement came as Qin Huasun, Chinese permanent representative to the United Nations, was addressing an open debate on the international terrorism at the Security Council.

 "In recent years, international terrorist activities are on a rampage, causing severe life and property losses to innocent civilians and posing menancing threats to international peace and security," he said.

 "To beef up efforts in fighting against international terrorism conforms to the overall interest of the international community," he said. "The relevant UN bodies, including the Security Council, should give adequate attention to this issue and contribute their part when necessary."

 More often than not, terrorist activities in recent years transcend national boundaries, he said, adding that international cooperation in this area and multi-dimensional actions against targeting the various manifestations of international terrorism have now become an indispensable condition for the crackdown against terrorism to be effective.

 On the draft International Convention for the Supervision of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism, he voiced his hope that the various sides will step up their work in a pragmatic and cooperative spirit to ensure early adoption of the Convention by the General Assembly.

 The Ad Hoc Committee established under a General Assembly resolution on December 12, 1996 has completed the drafting of the International Convention for the Supervision of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism, which was put forward by France.

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