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Thursday, October 21, 1999, updated at 14:18
China Jiang's Visit to Enhance Sino-UK Comprehensive Partnership

 Visiting Chinese President Jiang Zemin said in London Tuesday that his current state visit to Britain will contribute to strengthening a comprehensive partnership between China and Britain.

 Jiang made the remarks at a welcoming ceremony held in his honor by Westminster Lord Mayor Alex Segal at St.James's Palace.

 The Chinese president said, in recent years, China and the United Kingdom have moved further ahead in their friendly relations and cooperation in the political,economic and other fields, with increasingly frequent people-to-people contacts and deepened mutual understanding.

 He noted there is a bright prospect for bilateral relations and his visit is aimed at enhancing mutual understanding, expanding common ground and stepping up cooperation.

 "The 21st century is approaching. It is the common aspiration of people of all countries to see a world of peace, stability,development and prosperity built in the new century so that our planet will become a homeland where all humanity can live and work in peace and contentment," added Jiang, the first Chinese head of state to visit Britain.

 He said he hoped the frank, sincere and in-depth discussions between him and British leaders and personages of various circles will serve to strengthen Sino-British cooperation in international affairs.

 "China and the UK, both permanent members of the UN Security Council, have not only significant influence but also important responsibilities in world affairs. The Chinese people are ready to work together with the British people for the creation of a better world," he concluded.

 Westminster Lord Mayor Alex Segal said that as lord mayor and a citizen of Westminster, he felt honored to welcome President Jiang Zemin and his wife to visit Westminster as guests of Queen Elizabeth II.

 "Both Britain and China have long-standing history," he said."The British civilization has got many inspirations from the Chinese civilization."

 The lord mayor hoped Jiang's visit would contribute to enhancing the mutual understanding between the peoples of China and Britain.

 As traditionally done, Jiang and the lord mayor exchanged their manuscripts of speeches.

 Westminster is London's political center where the royal palaces, parliament building and government offices are located.

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