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Thursday, October 21, 1999, updated at 14:18
China Vice Premiers Attend Science Lecture

ĦĦVice-Premier Li Lanqing and Vice-Premier Wen Jiabao attended a science lecture in Beijing on October 20.

ĦĦAfter the lecture, Li Lanqing said the development of science and technology in the upcoming 21st century will bring about new opportunities and challenges to China.

ĦĦLin noted that such lectures are held to help government officials catch up with the pace of the development in the new century. He urged to further recognize the urgency of implementing the state strategy of reinvigorating the nation with science and education.

ĦĦState councilors Ismail Amat and Wang Zhongyu were also among the audience.

ĦĦIt is the third such lecture arranged by the General Office of the State Council for Party and government officials. Today's lecture was given by Vice-Minister of Science and Technology Xu Guanhua.

ĦĦThe lecturer focused on the main trends in the development of science and technology in the world.

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