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Thursday, October 21, 1999, updated at 14:18
China Chinese Premier Meets Japanese Economic, Trade Delegation

 Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji said in Beijing on October 20 that China is willing to promote bilateral economic and trade ties with Japan to a new high.

 The premier was speaking to a large delegation of Japan-China Association on Economy and Trade, led by its Honorary President Takashi Imai and President Watari Sugiichiro. The group is on its annual visit to China.

 Zhu said China is ready to step up cooperation in the economic and trade areas with Japan, because they are in the interests of both China and Japan as well as the people of the two countries.

 Zhu congratulated Japan on its economic recovery, saying that it will be conducive to the economic growth of China and the economic recovery of the whole of Asia.

 Imai briefed Zhu on the latest development of Japan's political, economic and social realms.

 The Japanese delegation is on its 25th visit to China since the establishment of the Japan-China Association on Economy and Trade in 1972.

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