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Live report: Death toll rises to 188 in the 7.0-magnitude quake


10:59, April 22, 2013

April 22 (Day Three of the Quake)


Lin Dan, two-time Olympic badminton champion, announced on his Tencent micro blog that he and his wife have donated 2.2 million yuan ($356,180) for the quake relief to Ya’an, Sichuan province on Monday morning.


As of 6 am Monday, 1,967 aftershocks had occurred after the 7.0-magnitude earthquake rattled Lushan county, Ya'an city of Sichuan province at 8:02 am Saturday Beijing Time, CCTV said on its official weibo account at 8:06 am Monday.

Of the total are four aftershocks in magnitude 5.0 or greater on Richter scale, 20 in magnitudes 4.0—4.9, and 63 in magnitudes 3.0—3.9.


Death toll has risen to 188 in the 7.0-magnitude quake earthquake that jolted Lushan county of Ya'an city in Sichuan province at 8:02 am Saturday Beijing Time, CCTV reported. Twenty-five people are reported missing, and 11460 others have been injured, according to the reports.


UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Sunday said that he "is deeply saddened by the loss of life, injuries and destruction caused by the earthquake and aftershocks" that struck Sichuan Province in southwest China Saturday.


In the 7.0-magnitude quake that jolted southwest China's Sichuan Province, giant pandas have become special "victims." Although no deaths or injuries of pandas were reported so far, the rare species at Bifengxia Panda Base, located 50 kilometers away from the epicenter in Longmen county, Ya'an city, were found scared by the devastating quake.

Breeders provided abundant food for the pandas to assure them "nothing is wrong," and for those young cubs who were scared the most, breeders will play with them to ease their tense, said a director surnamed Wang in charge of animal management of the base.

Related Reading:

Chinese president orders all-out rescue efforts after strong quake

Chinese President Xi Jinping has ordered all-out measures to rescue victims and minimize casualties after a 7.0-magnitude earthquake hit southwestern province of Sichuan Saturday morning.

Chinese Premier visits epicenter after deadly quake

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Saturday afternoon visited the area torn by a 7.0-magnitude earthquake in China's Sichuan Province, calling for wasting no time to save lives.

First night after deadly earthquake in Lushan Country, Sichuan

A 7.0- magnitude earthquake which hit Lushan County on April 20 morning damaged the Lushan People's Hospital and doctors had to erect temporary tents outside the hosptial to treat the injured people.

Death toll still climbing over China quake

As of 3 p.m. today, 186 people have been killed and 21 have gone missing in the earthquake that hit southwest China's Sichuan province Saturday morning

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