Wed,Jan 15,2014

Editor's Pick

12th Chinese peacekeeping engineer detachment to Lebanon to set out

(China Military Online)    10:23, January 15, 2014
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A ceremony marking the establishment of the 12th Chinese peacekeeping engineer detachment to Lebanon was held in an engineer regiment of the 13th Combined Corps under the Chengdu Military Area Command of the Chinese People's Liberation Army on Jan. 3, 2014.(Chinamil.com.cn)

CHONGQING, January 12 (ChinaMil) – The Chinese peacekeeping engineer battalion in Lebanon will conduct the 11th troop rotation this month. The 12th Chinese peacekeeping engineer detachment will replace the 11th detachment in mid January. Both of these two detachments are dispatched by the Chengdu Military Area Command (MAC).

The 180 peacekeepers will fly to the mission area in Lebanon in two groups in the middle of January. They are all winners in the strict examinations of such subjects as mine sweeping, explosive ordnance disposal, emergency handling, self-save in battleground, diplomatic protocol, English application as well as the folk custom of Lebanon etc.,

The detachment was set up mainly based on an engineer regiment of the 13th Combined Corps of the Chengdu MAC, and this is the fifth peacekeeping mission for this engineer regiment.

Entrusted by the command of peacekeeping temporary force of the United Nation to Lebanon, the 180 Chinese peacekeeping engineers will fulfill the tasks in high standard such as mine sweeping, explosive ordnance disposal, construction and maintenance of fortifications, building aircraft landing aprons, transportation support and humanitarian assistance etc. In addition, they are expected to be capable of dealing with various emergency situations as well.

(Editor:YanMeng、Huang Jin)

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