Tue,Aug 6,2013
English>>Life & Culture

Editor's Pick

Humans and animals enjoying summer fun

(CNTV)    16:14, August 06, 2013
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As Europe baked in some of the highest temperatures of the year on Friday,people and animals across the continent were looking for ways to cool down. (CNTV)

As Europe baked in some of the highest temperatures of the year on Friday, people and animals across the continent were looking for ways to cool down. Let’s head to Belgium and Germany to find out more.

Chilling in the Summer these polar bears in the city of Hannover have special ice lollies clutched between their paws. At the same time, elephants have their lollies under their feet, crushing them to make it easier to eat.

Some of the lollies even have frozen blocks of fruit attached to them. Meanwhile, thousands of Germans made a trip to the coast to swim in the sea and relax on the beaches.

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(Editor:LiQian、Ye Xin)

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