Tue,Aug 6,2013
English>>Life & Culture

Editor's Pick

Humans and animals enjoying summer fun (2)

(CNTV)    16:23, August 06, 2013
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As Europe baked in some of the highest temperatures of the year on Friday,people and animals across the continent were looking for ways to cool down. (CNTV)

One German said, "It is amazing. In particular in Hamburg ,where I’m from, it is very often bad weather. So, a great Summer like this is really fantastic."

In Brussels, the mercury hit 35 degrees Celsius on the country’s hottest day of the year.

Pierre Gallet, meteorologist, said, "This is the highest temperature we have measured so far. It is beginning of August, if there are no more heatwaves it will remain as the highest temperature for this year."

However Belgium’s heatwave is not expected to last, with thunder storms expected on Friday night and over the weekend.

【1】 【2】

(Editor:LiQian、Ye Xin)

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