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Top Italian dancer to perform in Shanghai


09:33, March 08, 2013

Roberto Bolle is currently a principal dancer with the American Ballet Theater. He's been performing for nearly 20 years, and has starred in contemporary and classical ballets including Swan Lake and Romeo and Juliet. (CNTV)

One of Italy's top ballet dancers is in Shanghai for the first time getting ready for an upcoming performance there. He hopes to bring something fresh to the city where many prestigious ballet companies have already visited. The show will be his first on the Chinese mainland.

Roberto Bolle is currently a principal dancer with the American Ballet Theater. He's been performing for nearly 20 years, and has starred in contemporary and classical ballets including Swan Lake and Romeo and Juliet.

Bolle says the program for his September 27th and 28th shows here hasn't been decided, nor have the other dancers or even the ticket price. But he says he's looking forward to working with Chinese artists, and appreciates the chance to present himself to the people here.

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