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Subaru recalls 9,641 vehicles on Chinese mainland


10:31, April 04, 2013

BEIJING, April 3 (Xinhua) -- Japanese automaker Subaru will recall 9,641 vehicles exported to China because of defects in the brake lines, the country's quality watchdog announced on Wednesday.

The company has decided to recall its imported Legacy and Outback models produced between January 28, 2004 and May 21, 2009, according to the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ).

There is a risk that the brake lines may corrode if they come into contact with water containing a snow-melting agent, making it more difficult for the vehicles to stop, the statement said.

Subaru China will coat the brake lines with rust-proof substance for free, and will change the lines if necessary, the AQSIQ said.

The company said it will start to inform the car owners affected from June 3.

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