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Catering industry faces slow growth this year (2)

By Wang Zhuoqiong  (China Daily)

08:26, January 31, 2013

Media reports have revealed a rise in discounts and promotions by some restaurants, previously reliant on business banquets, after finding bookings were well down on last year.

Chen Junhai, an executive at Wangshunge Restaurant Group in Beijing, said the move to eradicate public-funded extravagance had been a big blow to many high-end catering businesses.

About 30 percent of Wangshunge's income comes from business customers, hosting luxury banquets to entertain VIP guests, Chen said.

But the group, which has 12 outlets in Beijing, has rolled out measures to save costs and reduce waste.

For example, waiters have been asked not to promote luxury dishes, and to remind guests to order only what they actually need.

Any food remaining can be taken away in free packaging, Chen said.

The China Cuisine Association has now launched a campaign to urge restaurants to introduce cost cuts on purchasing, production and service.

But Bian said the habit of pleasing business clients with extravagant banquets has been deeply rooted in Chinese culture and will not be reversed overnight.

Across the country, the call to put an end to extravagant official banquets and wasted food has seen many restaurants placing "clean your plate" notices on dining tables, calling on customers to take uneaten food home after banquets and meals.

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