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28 candidates to run in Mali's July 28 presidential polls


15:34, July 03, 2013

BAMAKO, July 3 (Xinhua) -- Out of 36 applications for the July 28 presidential elections, Mali's Constitutional Court has approved 28 names, according to its president Amadi Tamba Camara.

The Constitutional Court rejected eight applications because two candidates had not paid the security fee of about 20,000 U.S. dollars, while six others had not only failed to pay the fee, but did not meet other statutory requirements, Camara told reporters in the capital Bamako on Tuesday.

In case of no changes in the next 24 hours, the first round of Mali's July 28 presidential elections will have 28 contestants.

Among the 28 candidates are Soumaila Cisse of the Union for the Republic and Democracy (URD), Modibo Sidibe of FARE party, Ibrahima Boubacar Keita of the Rally for Mali (RPM), Cheick Modibo Diarra of the Rally for Malian Development (RpDM), Haidara Aissata Alassane Cisse, the only female candidate, Oumar Mariko of opposition party SADI, Tiebile Drame of Party for National Renwal (PARENA) and Me Mountaga Tall of the CNID.

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