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Obama to host presidents of Chile, Peru at White House


08:59, May 09, 2013

WASHINGTON, May 8 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Barack Obama has scheduled separate meetings at the White House with his counterparts from Chile and Peru next month to discuss issues including trade and energy, the White House said on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, Vice President Joe Biden will travel to Brazil, Colombia and Trinidad and Tobago later this month to build on Obama's visit to Mexico and Costa Rica last week.

In their meeting on June 4, Obama and Chilean President Sebastian Pinera will discuss "a broad range" of bilateral, regional and global issues including ongoing negotiations toward the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement, a topic Obama will also discuss with President Ollanta Humala of Peru when they meet on June 11.

The Obama administration has put forward a plan to complete negotiations on the regional trade deal by the end of this year.

Obama will also discuss cooperation with Chile on energy, education, environmental conservation and economic development in Latin America, the White House said in a statement.

Continuing support for the Humala administration's agenda of social inclusion, broadly based economic growth and citizen security will dominate Obama's talks with the Peruvian president, which will also cover bilateral trade and cooperation on education, energy and climate change, and science and technology, the White House said.

Biden's trip, slated for the week of May 26, will focus on economic and commercial partnership with Brazil, security ties with Colombia, and a meeting with leaders of the Caribbean countries in Trinidad and Tobago.

"This trip will be an important chance to discuss our collective efforts to promote economic growth and development, access to energy and our ongoing collaboration on citizen security, " the White House said.

Economics, security and immigration dominated Obama's latest trip to Mexico and Costa Rica, where the U.S. president had a meeting with leaders of the Central American nations.

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