Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Monday, February 10, 2003

Indian, Pakistani Diplomats Leave for Home after Expulsion

Five Indian diplomats, left Islamabad for New Delhi on Monday after being ordered out the country within 48 hours by the Pakistani government last week.


Five Indian diplomats, left Islamabad for New Delhi on Monday after being ordered out the country within 48 hours by the Pakistani government last week.

Sudhir Vyas, the charge d'affaires of the Indian embassy, and four other Indian diplomats were accused by Islamabad of "actions unbecoming their status".

Meanwhile, five Pakistani diplomats in New Delhi, including acting High Commissioner Jalil Abbas Jilani, were also packing their luggage for returning to Islamabad.

Jilani was charged by the Indian government with funding separatists in Indian Kashmir.

These were the second round of "tit-for-tat" expulsions betweenthe two countries this year. Last month four diplomats of each side were expelled.

India and Pakistan withdrew their ambassadors last year after an attack on India's parliament building in Dec. 2001. India blamed the attack on Pakistan's spy agency and two Pakistan-based militant groups.

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