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Eurasian Media's Trip to Guizhou

Eurasian journalists discover enthusiasm for rural basketball in Guizhou

Eurasian journalists take photos with children in Taipan village, Taijiang county, southwest China's Guizhou Province, Oct. 28, 2023.

Eurasian journalists applaud Guiyang's comprehensive development

The Belt and Road Youth Friendship Exchange Program - Eurasian Media’s Trip to Guizhou was recently launched by People’s Daily Online in Guiyang, southwest China's Guizhou Province. During their visit to a tea plantation in Gaozhai village, Guiyang, a group of journalists from 10 countries participating in the joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) showed great interest in Chinese tea culture and tea garden management.

Symposium on international communication and exchange highlights stories of SW China's Guizhou

A symposium on international communication and exchange focusing on telling the stories of southwest China's Guizhou Province to the world was held in the provincial capital Guiyang on Oct. 26, 2023.

Participants in Belt and Road Youth Friendship Exchange program try stove-boiled tea in Guiyang

International journalists attending the Belt and Road Youth Friendship Exchange Program experienced stove-boiled tea, one of the latest trends among young Chinese, and learned about tea culture at a tea plantation in Guiyang, capital of southwest China's Guizhou Province. Journalists from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, and Armenia, among others, sat around the stove, and enjoyed hot tea together with sweet potatoes, peanuts and jujubes, as well as local delicacies such as tofu and "ciba," a glutinous rice cake.

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