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Photo shows two three-toed kingfishers at the Tongbiguan provincial nature reserve in southwest China’s Yunnan province. (Photo/Luo Yi)

Paradise of birds: Tongbiguan provincial nature reserve in SW China’s Yunnan

The Tongbiguan provincial nature reserve in southwest China’s Yunnan province is a paradise for birds. It is a natural habitat for 710 kinds of birds, in fact, including rare species such as three-toed kingfishers, Hodgson’s Frogmouth, grey peacock-pheasants, hornbills, collared falconets, and baya weavers.

Yunnan Safari Park treats animals with special mooncakes

A raccoon enjoys special mooncakes at the Yunnan Safari Park in Kunming, capital of southwest China's Yunnan Province, September 12, 2021. (Photo: China News Service/Liu Ranyang) Fourteen children were invited to the Yunnan Safari Park in Kunming on Sunday to make special mooncakes for animals using cereals, fresh bamboo leaves, apples, carrots, peanuts, dragon fruit, grapes, fresh mulberry leaves, mealworms and other materials.

30 days countdown ceremony of COP15 held in Kunming

Photo taken on Sept. 11, 2021 shows the 30 days countdown ceremony of the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) in Kunming, southwest China's Yunnan Province.

A wild panda forages on a corn field in Yuping village in Ebian Yi Autonomous County, Leshan city, southwest China’s Sichuan province. (Photo/leshan.cn)

Wild panda roams into village in SW China’s Sichuan

A wild panda surprisingly wandered onto a corn field in a village in Leshan city, southwest China’s Sichuan province on Sept. 4, according to local residents.

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