Wed,Jan 8,2014
English>>China Society

Editor's Pick

How much money did you earn and save last year? (8)

(People's Daily Online)    08:17, January 08, 2014
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Tang Lei (Photo/People's Daily Online)

Name: Tang Lei

Gender: male

Age: 32

Occupation: entrepreneur

Hometown: Hulun Buir, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

Annual salary: 800,000 yuan

Annual savings: 500, 000 yuan

Most money spent on: house

Background: Tang Lei has been living in Beijing for 14 years, and now he has an own business. He said his life is stressful and busy. He hopes he could slow down and spend more time with family and friend, and enjoy life.

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(Editor:WangXin、Gao Yinan)

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