Although, these data are from foreign research institutions, the association between air pollution and respiratory disease are clear. We need to reduce air pollution instead of waiting for the release of domestic data.
A wise leader, a smart doctor, not only cures the disease, but also prevents more people from the disease, Zhong said. Chinese believe good doctors are those who provide treatment before onset and who nips the disease in the bud. Therefore, it is time for Chinese government to take action now.
The U.K. issued clean air act in 1956. When Zhong went to London between 1979 and 1980, he felt the improvement of the air quality. “Only in a decade instead of three, we’ll see the effect of our air pollution control,” he said.
Taking Guangzhou as an example. It used to have 134-141 hazy days which takes over 1/3 time in 2003 and 2004. Local authorities took action on air pollution control by removing factories and reducing exhaust emission of automobiles. By the year 2010, hazy days in Guangzhou declined to 60-70 days and maintained the level until now.
"We all have to breathe. It's NOT enough just to have a good lifestyle. A green environment is one of the most important elements in determining people's health. I'm happy that people now are more aware of it."
Read the Chinese version: 钟南山:上医治未病,再等五年十年就晚了
Source:People's Daily Online Chinese Edition , author: Liu Rong.
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