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Guan struggles on course but draws lots of admirers (3)

By Garrett Johnston (China Daily)

10:58, April 15, 2013

"He seems very steady and very collected," another patron, Frank Feeney, said. "I just love the spirit, just coming out here. He's energized, he doesn't come across with arrogance, there's no ego, it's a steady confidence and I like it."

Feeney is so impressed by Guan's potential and believes he can go under par on Augusta's demanding layout.

"I really hope he goes under par tomorrow," Feeney said. "He can do it, especially the way he can putt."

Freeney also fancies Guan's ability and accomplishments this week at Augusta to influence future Chinese golfers.

"He could really drive the game in China," Freeney said.

Mike Arends, of Seattle, Washington, was also at the course on Saturday and feels that young Guan is almost at an unfair disadvantage going up against grown men who are proven winners in the game.

"If you think about it, with the culture, and the pressure ... it's all new to him. It's literally a boy against men. It's almost like they should give him a few strokes," Arends said.

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