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Volunteers teach children ways to better protect themselves (2)

(CRI Online)

16:58, March 07, 2013

Liu Weiwei, a volunteer from the Amway Charity Foundation, demonstrates how children should take caution when using zebra crossings, at a campus located in Chaoyang district in eastern Beijing on Tuesday, March 5, 2013. ( Fei)

A group of young volunteers recently paid a visit to a campus located in Chaoyang district in eastern Beijing to teach school children a range of safety measures including self-defense skills.

The public welfare project, jointly hosted by the Amway Charity Foundation and the Service Centre for Chinese Youth Development, organized a training camp in which children were divided into groups to practice real-life scenarios related to traffic-safety, using knowledge taught to them by young Amway volunteers and a traffic police-woman.

All volunteers had previously received professional training from SAFE KIDS WORLDWIDE before going out into the classroom with three-dimensional teaching materials and funny cartoon pictures in order to arouse students' interest in learning safety measures.

The project was carried out to mark both the Chinese Youth Volunteer Service Day and Learning from Lei Feng Day which fell on March 5th.

Starting from March, these volunteers from Amway Charity Foundation will continue providing education on children's safety in campuses in a total of six cities including Beijing, Chengdu, Shenyang, Shenzhen, Nanjing and Shanghai. The topics up for discussion range from traffic-safety, fire-safety and drowning prevention.

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